More Website Update News 🖖🏾

Hello! Little update!

I have been trying to get an online shop up as well as do a little remodeling/updating on the website. I had a few hiccups about how to get started and IF I could get started, but the nice people in CS directed me to the right information.

The caveat is everything will take MUCH longer than planned in that I have to essentially rebuild my site from scratch on the backend before publishing for you all. That will take a long moment.

I won't be posting an online shop until I get that first step out of the way. If you see something on my website you are wanting, send me an email on my contact form here on the site or alternatively, a DM on Instagram, and I can let you know if I have it available and send you a Square invoice directly so you can adopt some art!

Cheers Friends!



Thank you yokai market


Website Updates Upcoming!